Instagram User Demographics

Instagram is one of the most popular social mia platforms, with over two billion monthly active users worldwide. The platform is particularly popular among younger demographics, with a significant portion of its user base falling within the age range of 25 to 34.

90% of users follow at least one business account on Instagram

The platform is split fairly evenly when it comes to gender.
India, the U.S., and Brazil lead the world in countries with the most Instagram users.
Research shows that Instagram has influenc buyers’ purchasing decisions, with many users saying they’ve made a purchase after seeing something in the app.
Users love to engage with Instagram carousels and video, so B2Bs should prioritize that kind of content when working with influencers on the platform.
Cost of Influencer Marketing on Instagram
On Instagram, influencer marketing pricing models tend to stick to the basic formula of more followers = higher cost. However, Instagram influencers have also been known to break down costs bas on the kind of content. In doing this, influencers can charge a premium for content that performs well and is more complex to make—like video, for example—and short-liv posts, like Instagram Stories, may cost less.
You may also ne to account for travel, wardrobe, or other expenses and resources us to create content. To see what an influencer might charge on Instagram, reference earnings calculators like this one from Influencer Marketing Hub.

Instagram influencer rates chart

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LinkIn: The B2B Stronghold
As the original social mia home for B2Bs, it would be remiss not to include LinkIn in this list. In reality, every B2B should have a presence on LinkIn—no matter what—and pieces of content post on other platforms should likely be repurpos for your LinkIn audience. LinkIn influencer marketing allows brands to reach decision-makers and influencers in specific industries and roles. Plus, LinkIn’s algorithm is tailor to deliver content to users bas on their professional interests, making it more likely that your content will be seen by the right people.

Influencer marketing on LinkIn can also help to build trust and cribility, as influencers on the platform are typically thought leaders and experts in their respective fields.

LinkIn User Demographics

LinkIn has a diverse user base that includes professionals from various industries, job titles, and locations. Users on LinkIn are looking to network, develop their careers, and connect with like-mind professionals. LinkIn is a great platform for B2B businesses to connect with customers and partners, find new business opportunities, and build brand awareness.

LinkIn has over 1 billion members across 200 counties, with a majority of users being professionals in various industries.
According to Statista, LinkIn has the highest penetration among the 25 to 34 age group by far, with nearly 60% of the user base worldwide falling into the category.
LinkIn’s audience has two times the buying power of the average audience—and four out of five members are drivers of business decisions.

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Cost of Influencer Marketing on LinkIn

The average cost of influencer marketing on LinkIn can vary widely, just like the other social platforms. For example, LinkIn Lives can start at $1,000, but it depends on the industry, influencer reach, engagement rate, and the topic. While there isn’t a consensus on influencer rates per post and tier, we’ve found LinkIn influencers generally receive between $X-X. Additionally, many LinkIn influencers may be open to cross-brand promotions, discount codes, speaking opportunities, or access to products and services.

LinkIn influencers are unique in that they are typically thought leaders and industry experts. Unlike other influencers on platforms like Instagram or TikTok, they are not primarily focus on monetizing their posts. Many of them are founders and executives at leading companies, and they use their platform to share valuable insights, best practices, and thought leadership articles on topics relat to their industry. They don’t seek to earn a quick buck by promoting products or services. Instead, they are more focus on building and maintaining their cribility and influence among their peers and followers.

When working with LinkIn influencers

it’s important for B2Bs to understand that these individuals have built a strong online presence by being crible and knowlgeable sources in their field. They seek partnerships that align with their own values and interests and can provide value to their network. They often represent companies they have found or are leaders in the companies they work for. For them, it’s important to maintain that cribility and to be able to influence the opinions of other decision-makers in their industry.

Facebook: The Original “Social Network”
Almost 3 billion monthly active users utilize Facebook, making it one of the most widely us social mia platforms in the world. According to a survey by Pew Research Center, 68% of American adults use Facebook, making it a valuable platform for B2Bs to reach a large and diverse audience. Additionally, Facebook offers a variety of targeting options, allowing B2Bs to reach specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations.

It’s also important to note that Facebook’s algorithm has chang frequently in the past few years. Recently, it has been prioritizing content from friends and family, which makes it a bit harder for brands to reach their target audience organically. This can make influencer marketing on Facebook more effective for B2Bs than traditional organic social mia marketing, as influencers have built a large and engag following on the platform, and can increase the reach and visibility of the brand’s content.

Facebook User Demographics

It may have begun as a platform for college students, but Facebook wins with the older crowd these days. It’s no secret that you’re more likely to see someone’s grandma actively scrolling on Facebook in the waiting room of their doctor’s office than you are to see someone’s teenage son scrolling the platform on his bus ride home.

As of December 2022, users ag 25 to 34 years comprise Facebook’s largest audience in the U.S., accounting for 24.4% of the social network’s user base.
We didn’t lie! The platform is also really popular with older adults, with 58% of people ag 65 or older having us the platform. Compare that to their usage rates of Instagram and LinkIn—15% and 12%, respectively.
ucation and income the power of knowing country also play a role in Facebook’s user demographics. The platform is most popular among those with higher levels of ucation and income, with 73% of college graduates and 70% of those earning $75,000 or more per year.
Cost of Influencer Marketing on Facebook
Right up there with YouTube, Facebook can be costly for influencer marketing campaigns when talking about large influencers with huge followings. But in the nano- to mid-tier levels of influencers, marketers can expect a reasonable price tag.

Facebook influencer rate chart

X: For the Influencer of Few Words
Sure, X (formerly Twitter) may not be the belle of the influencer ball, but don’t let that fool you—this platform still packs a punch with over 330 million monthly active users. And where there’s a crowd, there’s bound to be influencers.

X User Demographics

X is most popular among adults ag 25 to 34 (29.6%), follow by 18 to 24-year-olds (28.4%). People over 35 account for 42% of the platform’s total users. X may not have the same number of users as other social mia giants, but dy leads with 23% of American adults using the platform, it can still have an impact, especially when working with niche influencers.

61% of X users say they use the platform for news and current events.
In the Unit States, 53% of Americans report they regularly get news from X.
Male audiences account for 36% of global X users.
Cost of Influencer Marketing on

Instagram User Demographics

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