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These results do not represent profit in the strict sense, but are equally important for evaluating the success of a strategy. Companies can choose to analyze only the results of specific campaigns, or to conduct a broader analysis. In any case, even in this case, the formula is not complicated at all: subtract the cost of goods and marketing expenses from the revenue generated by marketing, divide by the marketing expenses, all multiplied by one hundred. ROMI = (Marketing Profit – Cost of Goods – Marketing Expenses) / Marketing Expenses X 100 The interpretation of the effectiveness of this strategy is fairly straightforward: if ROMI is below 100%, the campaign generated losses, and if it is above 100%, the campaign generated profits.

ROAS is a further variation of ROI that can be used to obtain

A summary result of the total revenue generated by an advertising campaign.  ROAS = ADV Profit / ADV Cost X 100 This is a very clever formula that is perfect for evaluating Free Telemarketing Leads Download the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns; however, these figures focus on the return on investment of the sponsorship campaign and do not consider the profitability of the entire investment. What we can conclude is that, yes, these performance indicators are all useful, but to get the best benefits, they must be chosen wisely. To understand which formula will allow you to extract the most appropriate data. You need to. Carry out a specific analysis that includes various factors, including.

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Marketing goals Key performance indicators

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