A free call is called “call without

cost” or “free call” in Spanish. Here are some details:

Toll free call: This is the most literal translation of “toll free call.” Emphasize that the call has no cost to the caller.
Free call: This option is more common and everyday. It means the same as “toll-free” but sounds more natural in everyday speech.
You can also use expressions like:

Toll-free number: To refer to the telephone number itself that has no cost to the caller.

Toll-free line: Similar to

“toll-free number,” but Qatar Phone Numbers List emphasizes the full telephone line that allows free calls.

Phone Number List

“You can call us at our

toll-free number at 1-800-555-1212.”
“We have a toll-free line KCRJ available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
I hope this helps!

A free call is called “call without

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