This code exclusively identifies Taiwan, a captivating island nation

Have you ever encountered the phone number prefix +886 and wondered, “Which country code is that?” Look no further!  brimming with natural beauty, delicious cuisine, and a rich cultural heritage.

The Gateway to Taiwan: +886

The three-digit code +886 acts as the international gateway for connecting Georgia Phone Number List with phone numbers in Taiwan. Whenever you see a phone number beginning with +886, you know it’s connected to a phone line or mobile device within Taiwan’s borders.

Phone Number List

Understanding Taiwanese

Now that you know the code for Taiwan, let’s delve into the structure of Taiwanese phone numbers. These numbers typically consist of 10 digits, cleverly organized into three parts:

Dialing Code (+886): As discussed earlier, this is the international prefix for Taiwan.
Area Code (2-3 digits): This code identifies a specific geographic region KCRJ within Taiwan. Think of it as a regional identifier. Here are some common area codes:
Taipei (2)
Kaohsiung (7)
Taichung (4)
Tainan (6)
Local Phone Number (7 digits): This unique 7-digit number identifies a specific phone line or mobile device within the designated area.
Putting Your Knowledge into Action: Calling Taiwan

For instance, imagine you want to call a restaurant in Taipei (area code 2) to make a reservation. Their phone number is 2345-6789. Here’s how you would dial the complete number:


This code exclusively identifies Taiwan, a captivating island nation

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