The USA country code for phone

The USA country code for phone numbers is

Here’s a breakdown of how

US phone numbers are formatted

  1. Country Code (+1): This indicates you’re calling a phone number in the United States.
  2. Area Code (3 digits): This identifies the specific city or region within the US. For Slovenia Phone Number List example, 212 is the area code for New York City. You can find a list of area codes by state or region online.
  3. Local Phone Number (7 digits): This is the unique number assigned to a specific phone line.

Phone Number List

Putting it together

If you’re calling a phone KCRJ number in New York City with the local number 555-1212, the complete number you would dial would be:

+1 (Country Code) 212 (Area Code) 555-1212 (Local Number)

The USA country code for phone

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