The 20 best marketing blogs to learn a lot for free

f one of your 2022 resolutions is to learn more about the complex world of marketing, here is a list of the best blogs you absolutely must follow.

I think there is nothing strange in reading an article on a digital marketing blog that promotes other “similar” resources.

If you like the ability of this blog to give examples to make some concepts more understandable, you can also take a look at the latest published articles.

We talked about how to promote a farmhouse online , how to stand out on Instagram , how to collect zero party data , how to do web marketing for physiotherapists and, finally, how to do brand identity .

Before moving on to the list ( in alphabetical order ) of blogs that I recommend you follow carefully, I suggest you get an app that allows you to collect all the latest news from the sources you love in one place.

Personally I use Feedly , but there is also Flipboard , as well as many others.

Brand News

Inside this online newspaper you will not find guides, tutorials or glossaries.

The reason why I recommend you follow him is to stay up to date with the communication sector (online, on TV, but also offline), with a particular eye on branding.

If you want to know the spots created by the best advertising agencies of the moment , you are in the right place.

Look at their way of communicating and telling a brand robots.txt configuration story. In this sector, in fact, you never stop learning.

robots.txt configuration

Gianpaolo Antonante

If I have to explain to you the reasons why I selected The resulting list of keywords is group at the rate Gianpaolo Antonante among the best digital marketing bloggers, 2 immediately come to mind:

  • Simplicity . Often, in his articles he tells an experience lived together with his imaginary friend/client Renato. Using this figure he highlights the most recurring doubts and the most frequent mistakes that entrepreneurs make when approaching digital marketing. Discovering how he helped his friend Renato, you too uab directory have the opportunity to think about what you took for absolute truth and change your mind.
  • Community . Having a direct relationship with his community makes Gianpaolo less of a “guru” and more “human”. His effort to explain concepts in a simple way and not to drop them from above has made the community that follows him feel very involved and involved. Some of his articles take up the most interesting topics discussed on social media. If you are interested, here is his group on Facebook.

Inside Marketing

Perhaps the most complete (and most recommended) online journal of marketing and communication. It is rightfully part of the marketing blogs to follow in 2022 for an infinite number of reasons:

  • Spots and Campaigns . To learn how to communicate best by watching the spots of the moment.
  • Resources and Guides . To be guided, step by step, to the realization of projects such as a business plan or an e-commerce. Also useful for learning to better understand new platforms such as Twitch and Tik Tok. Twitch, among other things, is the best among the examples of digital marketing strategies that start from a well-defined niche.
  • Training . Space dedicated to digital marketing courses.
  • Social Media . Section that collects the most important news from the world of social networks.


The 20 best marketing blogs to learn a lot for free

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