How to communicate on social media and stay in the hearts of customers, Nike teaches us

analyzing Nike’s successful advertising campaigns, we have the opportunity to learn how to best communicate on social media to stay in the hearts of our customers.

In the past we have seen how, thanks to Shops, it has become easier to sell with Facebook . We have searched for the most unusual tips to grow a Facebook page .

We have also dedicated a lot of space to the best web marketing strategies on Facebook for a business and the most original ideas for creating an advertising campaign .

Although, in some cases, it is possible to use Facebook for b2b , we have no doubts that the best web marketing activity you can put into practice with this social network is to strengthen your brand identity .

If you’re looking for a perfect example of a company that has been able to communicate one of the values ​​it believes in on social media, watch this Nike commercial:

What to communicate on social media: your products or the values ​​you believe in?

I am convinced that there is no perfect recipe. How many commercial posts to write on social media and how many to communicate the values ​​you believe in.

So maybe what to communicate on social media is the wordpress speed optimization wrong question. Your goal is to make sure that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok help you strengthen your brand in people’s minds.

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Repeating this slogan in its posts allows Nike to reinforce Es como ver a Godzilla vs this idea: if you love playing sports, for the sake of it, if going outdoors or to the gym makes you feel good, then you should know that Nike shares this thought with you.

When you wear one of their clothes you are communicating your passion to the world.

However, from how I titled this article, you will easily understand that it is not enough to get inside people’s heads.

That’s why, if you’re wondering what to uab directory communicate on social media, the answer could be: the values ​​you believe in .

The aim is to:

  • Create empathy with your readers.
  • Create a community of loyal customers.
  • Enter (and remain) in their hearts.

Nike’s “ Play New ” advertising campaign invites you to discover sport in a new way and try things you’ve never done before.

No matter how many times you fall, trying new things is always a victory.

The themes on which Nike’s communication strategy is based in this campaign are:

  • Joy
  • Inspiration
  • Resilience
  • Discovery

Here’s what to communicate on social media. There’s no point in publishing your products if you can’t communicate their value first.

There’s no point in creating a social media strategy if you don’t know how to be close to people

In the past, we have collected, in other articles on this blog, some advice on how to start doing digital marketing , on how to advertise on Facebook , and on how to use the decoy effect to push people to buy online.

The news I want to give you is that you can also create the best social media strategy in the world, but if you don’t know how to communicate on social media to be close to people, it’s all useless.

An example?

Last year, Nike changed its slogan to “ For once, Don’t Do It ” in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. It created a video that was even shared on competitor Adidas’ Twitter account:


When a situation like this arises, put your social media strategy aside.

You don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes: communicating on social media by transmitting the values ​​you believe in and being close to people is without a doubt what makes you human.

What if, at a time when the whole world was wondering about the problem of racism, Nike had launched a campaign for a new shoe model?

It is very important to have your own social media strategy, but it is essential to use social media to be close to people.


How to communicate on social media and stay in the hearts of customers, Nike teaches us

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