What is the censydiam wheel

Each person has his own deep motives and barriers that influence decisions both in his personal life and at work. In marketing, understanding consumer motivation is a key element of successful business promotion. A proper understanding of the needs and desires of customers allows you to create marketing strategies that bring real results. One powerful tool to achieve this goal is the Censydiam Wheel. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of the Censydiam Wheel. What it means for marketers and business strategists, break down each of the segments, and share how we use the tool at Inweb.For example, Ajax. In which one of the messages is “Your protection for an imperfect world.”Ajax conducted in-depth interviews and identified the main insight . Ukrainian consumers often believe that troubles only happen to other people. So they do not see the need to install security systems. The goal of this promotional campaign is to make Ajax synonymous with security and to form . A clear communication among the target audience “if security is Ajax.

What is the Censydiam Wheel

The Censydiam Wheel is a tool designed to understand consumer motivations and needs. It was invented in by two Belgians, one of whom is Jan Callebaut (Jan Callebaut) . A communications and marketing consultant who conducted qualitative marketing research and developed business strategies for Coca-Cola, Heineken, Johnson & Johnson, etc.

Building **telemarketing data** requires a how to build telemarketing data few important steps: Capture contact information through opt-in forms, survey and event registration forms. This should be done through CRM systems to make sure you pull out the data and update it at the right time. Always make sure to follow the laws of privacy such as the GDPR. The good practice of collecting data contributes to building of trust, improving customer relations and thus making telemarketing more efficient.

With the Censydiam Wheel, marketers identify the various emotional needs that influence consumer choice and adapt their strategies. Products and communications accordingly.for example. Yves Saint Laurent. YSL offers its customers the opportunity to stand out and gain recognition for the high quality, elegance of their products and, of course, value. Whether it’s clothes, accessories or cosmetics, Yves Saint Laurent products make people feel confident and stylish, which emphasizes their uniqueness and statu.

Censydiam Wheel Segments

How to Build Telemarketing Data

The Censydiam model is presented in the form of a wheel and is based on a coordinate system, where the vertical axis reflects our feelings about ourselves (Personal Dimension). And the horizontal axis represents the role of society in meeting needs (Social Dimension).Photo: Censydiam Wheel segments | Media Inweb.The Censydiam wheel consists of eight main segments, each of which represents a separate motivational and emotional need of consumers:Pleasure is the pursuit of pleasure, comfort and joy.
Unity is the desire to create deep emotional connections, harmony with oneself and others.Belonging is the desire to be part of a group, system or community.Security is the need for stability, predictability and protection.Control is the desire to organize, manage situations and one’s own actions.Recognition is the need for approval, respect and confirmation of one’s own significance from others.
Power is the desire to influence others, have power and dominate certain situations.Life force is the desire for an active and dynamic life, full of energy and impressions.
Let’s analyze each of the segments in more detail.


A segment that focuses on enjoying life, satisfying your own desires and being impulsive. People who belong to this segment seek to enjoy the moment, seek new experiences and pleasures.A vivid example is Disneyland with its slogan “The happiest place on Earth”. The tagline illustrates the concept of pleasure that the brand aims to convey. Visiting Disneyland is a moment when people can forget about their everyday worries, enjoy life and enjoy every moment spent in the park. This is the embodiment of impulsive desire and joy. Which brings pleasure.Consumers of this segment strive for a sense of unity and closeness with others, harmony with themselves and those around them. It is important for them to have emotional connections with people, so they choose products or services that facilitate social interactions and strengthen relationships.
An example of a brand that embodies the concept of unity is Meditopia with its slogan “Today, it’s your turn”. By using Meditopia, people can feel supported not only by the app, but also by a community of like-minded meditators. This creates a sense of unity and togetherness that is at the core of this segment.


Belonging motivation reflects the desire to what is rhythm in graphic design be part of a certain group or community. Consumers in this segment choose brands and products that help them feel part of something bigger. Giving them a sense of identity and uniqueness.The brand that best exemplifies the concept of belonging is Apple, with its slogan “Think Different.” Users of Apple products feel part of a community that supports and encourages innovative ideas. They don’t just buy equipment — they become part of a cultural movement marked by a unique vision. Of the world and a desire for constant self-improvement.Thus, the slogan “Think Different” not only advertises Apple products. But also calls for unity around common values ​​and ideals, emphasizing the importance of belonging to a community of people who think outside the box and strive to change the world for the better.The security segment is associated with the desire for stability, security and comfort. Consumers targeting this segment are looking for products that guarantee their safety and protection. Helping them avoid risks and troubles.This segment includes various areas of activity — from insurance services and cars to security and fire safety systems.


Control is a segment that focuses on sad life box people’s need to. Have power over their lives and the situations around them. People who belong to this segment seek structure. Confidence in their actions and results. They value organization, predictability and the ability to control all aspects of their lives. Which allows them to avoid unpleasant surprises and risks. An example of a brand that illustrates the concept of control is FedEx with its slogan “Relax. It’s FedEx” (“Relax, it’s FedEx”), which the company used during 2003-2008. The company ensures reliability and timeliness of delivery. Relieving customers of stress related to logistics. FedEx gives customers confidence that their shipments will be delivered on time and safely.Consumers . Of this segment seek recognition and respect from others. It is important for them that their achievements and efforts are noticed and appreciated. They choose products that emphasize their status and help gain recognition in society.Brands that want to satisfy this need . Must focus on individuality, success and status. This need is covered by all brands of the luxury segment,.

What is the censydiam wheel

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