I am about to graduate from my second master’s degree program. Can I still apply for OPT and OPT Extension?

I have used OPT for my first master’s degree. Can I still use it for my second master’s degree? The answer is no . The U.S. Immigration Service requires that you can only apply for OPT once after graduating from each level of degree, which means that you only have one opportunity to apply for…

5 Examples of Gamification in Marketing to Put into Practice Right Away

Sanremo 2022 ended with an unexpected record of audience ratings. The credit must certainly be attributed to the songs and singers in the competition, as well as the talent of Amadeus. I want to focus, however, on another aspect that managed to involve the public and its protagonists: FantaSanremo . It is only the latest (but…

How to create a website with artificial intelligence

s it really possible to create a website in a few minutes with the help of artificial intelligence? If you are looking for a quick answer then it is: yes . If you are looking for an online showcase for your business that is professional , reflects your image and has a pinch of creativity , however, you will be very disappointed !  …


Veterinarian, how to find clients with outbound marketing

In this article we evaluate different digital marketing strategies that can be used by a veterinarian to find work. The goal is to increase their visibility. Therefore, online and reach not only private clients, but also other practices to collaborate with and breeders in the area. What features should a veterinarian website have? The website…

Es como tener su propia isla

Más control Con el correo electrónico, usted es dueño de su lista. Es como tener su propia isla de marketing privada. Las plataformas de redes sociales, por otro lado, pueden cambiar sus algoritmos más rápido  que potencialmente hace que sus publicaciones cuidadosamente elaboradas se pierdan en el vacío digital. Oportunidades de personalización El correo electrónico…

Vikten av bilder och infografik i dina artiklar

I denna digitala era, där människors uppmärksamhet skiftar så snabbt, kan användningen av visuella effekter göra stor skillnad för att locka och behålla läsarnas intresse. Vikten av bilder och infografik I dina artiklar Varför är visuellt viktigt? Du måste ofta ha sett artiklar eller inlägg på sociala medier åtföljda av bilder. Anledningen är enkel, människor…

Familiarity with workloads: concepts, types and key points of management

Imagine that you have a big factory that has to produce thousands of products during the day. In order for everything to go well and produce quality products, you must know exactly how much resources and time each part of the factory needs to do the work. Now let’s bring this concept to the world…