How to create a website for an accountant to find clients

Today I want to show you some important aspects that you need to consider if you are going to create the website of your accounting firm. I will not talk to you about graphics, but about all that part related to marketing.

Let’s start from SEO and content marketing and give a little hint about social media marketing .

We have already covered similar topics in the past: for example, I created a list of methods for finding new clients using Facebook , I dedicated an article to advertising for dentists , and I collected some ideas on how to find clients for a lawyer using local SEO.

Now, however, take a pen and paper and let’s start evaluating together how you should create your new website for your accounting business.

If the goal of creating a tool that can bring you new clients on its own may seem like a utopia, let’s see together what you can do to improve the online visibility of your studio.

Introduction: what the code of ethics for accountants allows you to do

Here are some points from the Code of Ethics of the Profession of the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts.

Article 44: Information and informative advertising

1. Informative advertising, by any means, concerning the professional activity, the specializations and professional qualifications held, the structure of the firm and the fees for services, is free.

2. The advertising message and the choice of means of communication must in any case be inspired by criteria of good taste and the image of the profession.

3. The information must be transparent, truthful, correct and must not be ambiguous, misleading, denigrating, comparative and suggestive.

4. The names of customers who have not given their local business schema consent may not be mentioned, nor may the activities of other parties be promoted.

10. The website of the professional or of the associated firm of which he/she is a part cannot contain commercial or advertising references.

local business schema

The limitations of the Code of Ethics are not that Vikten av bilder och infografik i dina artiklar stringent. I doubt that your intentions were to attract new customers through ambiguous and misleading phrases, or even by discrediting colleagues.

How to Create and Manage a Facebook Page for an Accounting Firm

Personally, I don’t think that you can consider the Facebook page as a tool that, by itself, can allow you to find new clients. Rather, it is an uab directory  additional showcase to be created and managed professionally, in synergy with the website you are about to create for your accounting firm.

I therefore invite you to read the article by Emanuele Loiacono of Ninja Academy which talks about how to create and manage a Facebook page in a professional manner.

Here are the contents I invite you to read:

  • No to the personal profile. Yes to the company page
  • Take the time to curate the visual aspect of your Facebook page
  • Start defining your ideal audience on Facebook
  • Set up Facebook Messenger
  • What is Creator Studio for?

In your case, especially if you are a beginner, I would leave the topics of Facebook Ads and chatbots alone .

In fact, I don’t think that a Facebook page is strategic, from a marketing perspective, for an accountant.

However, it is very useful if you keep it updated with useful information for your customers (and potential ones) and to “be there”, with a professional image.

If you still want to learn more, discover the 5 best chatbots for Facebook Messenger completely free and all in Italian.


How to create a website for an accountant to find clients

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