The Happiness Factor in Content Marketing

How much does neuroscience influence your content creation strategies? Maybe more than you think. When we attempt to evoke emotional responses through our content, we’re employing tactics to capitalize on what neuroscientists already know, that The Happiness Factor in decisions are made at an emotional level.
In the early 1990’s Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio studied patients with brain lesions who were unable to feel emotions. What he found was that those same patients were also unable to make decisions. Relying on logic alone, his patients could describe situations in logical terms, but were unable to make the final decision. According to Damasio, “Emotions and the feelings are not a luxury, they are a means of communicating our states of mind to others. But they are also a way of guiding our own judgments and decisions.”

The role of emotional content

Influence, convince, and convert are some of the goals of content marketing and are dependent on eliciting emotions with our audiences. If we really buy telemarketing data want to convince our audiences to make the decision to engage with our content and ultimately to recommend or buy our product or service, we need to reach them at an emotional level.
But, which emotion should we be reaching? According to a study published in the University of Chicago Press, “Consumers want to be happy and marketer’s are increasingly trying to appeal to consumers’ pursuit of happiness. However, the result of six studies reveal that what happiness means varies, and consumers’ choices reflect those differences. …individuals tend to choose more exciting options when focused on the future, and more calming options when focused on the present moment.

There are ranges

of emotions that content can conjour, not all of them positive for the content creator. While angering a person can cause them to feel increased levels of passion, that passion may be directed against your brand and have the opposite effect you’d originally hoped for. Although we want to generate passion in our audiences toward our brand, we certainly don’t want to anger them into a passionate burst of energy designed to create a flame war and associate the brand with negative comments and distrust.
In an attempt to move people to action, marketers often attempt to create a sense of fear or anxiety amongst their audiences. Fear and anxiety help brands to create an atmosphere of change for their audiences, promising audiences that if they continue as they are,

they’re doomed to fail

or some other negative outcome. Creating anxiety for audiences has been a storyteller’s tool since time began, as early as Aesop’s Fables and other stories that warn of the pitfalls and dangers of not acting in a certain way.
According to the neuroscientists, if we want people to make decisions to adopt our product or services in the future, they need to feel excitement toward our brand. Somewhere in the content ecosystem, we need to bring them from fear and anxiety to a feeling of excitement over the prospect of solving their problems and relieving their anxieties. If we’re to follow the findings of neuroscientists, content marketers need to entice audiences with content that makes them feel excited and happy.

I’m happy when you solve my problems

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You can make your audiences happy when you accurately discover their challenges, pain points, and unmet goals and then craft a story that portrays the problem with you and your product or service as the solution. Your audience will grow to trust you and ultimately choose your solutions, not just because it’s the logical choice, but because they feel you’ve helped them and it’s the right thing to do.
When you put yourself in the story as the solution to the problem, be cautious about how much you talk about yourself. Remember, you want to make your the exclusive advantages of professional sms audiences happy, not annoyed. Offering content that solves problems, offers information, or provides entertainment shouldn’t sound like an ad for your product or service.
Here’s where having well-developed audience personas can help guide your content creation. Beyond knowing what position they hold or which industry they work in, find out who they are and what they care about.

Keywords and content to create positive experiences

Once you know your audience, create content experiences for them that will lead them to the next step in engagement. Since we don’t control the customer journey, every piece of content should be a gateway to engaging further with your brand. Make finding and using your usa b2b list content a pleasurable experience and continue to benefit from the positive emotions you’ve created with the initial piece of content.

If you want to know what your audiences care about, listen to the questions they ask. Your audiences are already engaging on social media sites and through organic search to ask their questions, get information, and find entertainment. Meet them where they’re already going with the answers and entertainment they seek. Use keyword research to discover the language of the

The Happiness Factor in Content Marketing

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