Anchor list – how to compose it correctly to increase the link mass? Webpromo Blog

Building up the link mass is an important part of website optimization. With its help, you can not only link to third-party resources, but also link pages of your website. All this is important for improving usability, increasing conversions and organic promotion in search. The stage of embedding links in text, images or other objects is significantly simplified by anchors.

An anchor list increases overall SEO efficiency and simplifies the process of link building. A properly composed anchor list also helps to avoid search engine sanctions. We tell you how to do this in the article.

Anchor list

What is a link anchor?
Anchor (from English Anchor asia mobile number list anchor, binding) – words or expressions in which hyperlinks are embedded. By clicking on it, the user can go to another page, website or part of the document.

Key definitions to remember:

Donor – the site where the link is placed
Acceptor – the resource being referenced.
Anchor list is a list of all anchors that a website uses.
Read also : Link building: what is it and why does your site need it?

What types of links are used in the anchor list?
As a rule, keywords and phrases are used to form anchors. This is necessary for organic promotion and increasing the effectiveness of external links. You can also often see transactional queries in them, containing the words “buy”, “price”, “order”. However, their excessive use can harm SEO promotion – if Google algorithms notice the “unnatural” origin of links, your resource will fall under the system’s filters.

To avoid this, you need to “dilute” your anchor list with non-anchor links. Thanks to them, the search engine better perceives the links posted on the site. As a rule, non-anchor links are presented in the form of:

Exact keyword query;



keyword phrases;
partial inclusion of a key query, when a part of the full key is added to the text;
branded links, when the linked text contains the name of a specific brand;
image links emaitzak sortzen ari diren merkataritza elektronikoan 5 berrikuntza without alt tag;
simple URL, for example “https://web-promo.ua/”;
links in the format of navigation text (“here”, “follow the link”, etc.).

Anchor variations for SEO promotion
To compile an anchor list, specialists often focus on the anchor lists of competitors. In doing so, they pay attention not only to the text of the anchors, but also to the distribution of both types. For example, 80% non-anchor and 20% anchor links.

Also, to form an anchor list, the th phone numbers semantic core of the site and each of its individual pages is used. Anchors must contain key queries in different entry formats.

For example, this is what a non-anchor link looks like in the HTML code of a page

Anchor list – how to compose it correctly to increase the link mass? Webpromo Blog

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